Samuel McDermott

Programme Manager, EPSRC Sensor CDT


Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

University of Cambridge

Cambridge, UK

This is the website of Dr Samuel McDermott, Programme Manager of the Sensor CDT.

selected publications

  1. Opt. Express
    Near-field ptychographic microscope for quantitative phase imaging
    Samuel McDermott, and Andrew Maiden
    Optics Express, 2018
  2. Biomed. Opt. Exp.
    Robotic microscopy for everyone: the OpenFlexure Microscope
    Joel T. Collins, Joe Knapper, Julian Stirling , and 15 more authors
    Biomedical Optics Express, 2020
  3. Rev. Sci. Instrum
    autohaem: 3D printed devices for automated preparation of blood smears
    Samuel McDermott, Jaehyeon Kim, Aikaterini Anna Leledaki , and 6 more authors
    Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022
  4. Opt. Express
    Multi-modal microscopy imaging with the OpenFlexure Delta Stage
    Samuel McDermott, Filip Ayazi, Joel Collins , and 4 more authors
    Optics Express, 2022