
Publications in reversed chronological order.


  1. Patterns
    Recent methodological advances in federated learning for healthcare
    Fan Zhang, Daniel Kreuter, Yichen Chen , and 32 more authors
    Patterns, Jun 2024


  1. arXiv
    Using Old Laboratory Equipment with Modern Web-of-Things Standards: a Smart Laboratory with LabThings Retro
    Samuel McDermott, Jurij Kotar, Joel Collins , and 3 more authors
    arXiv preprint, Jun 2023
  2. arXiv
    Dis-AE: Multi-domain & Multi-task Generalisation on Real-World Clinical Data
    Daniel Kreuter, Samuel Tull, Julian Gilbey , and 8 more authors
    arXiv preprint, Jun 2023
  3. R. Soc. Open Sci.
    Controlling and scripting laboratory hardware with open-source, intuitive interfaces: OpenFlexure Voice Control and OpenFlexure Blockly
    Samuel McDermott, Richard Bowman, Kerrianne Harrington , and 2 more authors
    Royal Society Open Science, Jun 2023


  1. J. Microsc.
    Fast, high-precision autofocus on a motorised microscope: Automating blood sample imaging on the OpenFlexure Microscope
    Joe Knapper, Joel T Collins, Julian Stirling , and 3 more authors
    Journal of Microscopy, Jun 2022
  2. Rev. Sci. Instrum
    autohaem: 3D printed devices for automated preparation of blood smears
    Samuel McDermott, Jaehyeon Kim, Aikaterini Anna Leledaki , and 6 more authors
    Review of Scientific Instruments, Jun 2022
  3. CLOF
    Smart feedback for reliable scanning: developing the OpenFlexure Microscope for medical imaging
    Joseph Knapper, Julian Stirling, Daniel G Rosen , and 5 more authors
    In Complex Light and Optical Forces XVI , Jun 2022
  4. Opt. Express
    Multi-modal microscopy imaging with the OpenFlexure Delta Stage
    Samuel McDermott, Filip Ayazi, Joel Collins , and 4 more authors
    Optics Express, Jun 2022


  1. IST-Africa
    Transitioning from Academic Innovation to Viable Humanitarian Technology: The Next Steps for the OpenFlexure Project
    Joe Knapper, Julian Stirling, Joel Collins , and 8 more authors
    In 2021 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa) , Jun 2021
  2. R. Soc. Open Sci.
    Simplifying the OpenFlexure microscope software with the web of things
    Joel T Collins, Joe Knapper, Samuel J McDermott , and 4 more authors
    Royal Society Open Science, Jun 2021
  3. MIDL
    Cell Anomaly Localisation using Structured Uncertainty Prediction Networks
    Boyko Vodenicharski, Samuel McDermott, KM Webber , and 5 more authors
    In Medical Imaging with Deep Learning , Jun 2021


  1. Biomed. Opt. Exp.
    Robotic microscopy for everyone: the OpenFlexure Microscope
    Joel T. Collins, Joe Knapper, Julian Stirling , and 15 more authors
    Biomedical Optics Express, Jun 2020
  2. GHCT
    The OpenFlexure Project. The technical challenges of Co-Developing a microscope in the UK and Tanzania
    Julian Stirling, Valerian L Sanga, Paul T Nyakyi , and 7 more authors
    In 2020 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) , Jun 2020


  1. Thesis
    Optical quantitative phase microscopy: novel methods and applications
    Samuel McDermott
    University of Sheffield , Jun 2019


  1. Opt. Express
    Near-field ptychographic microscope for quantitative phase imaging
    Samuel McDermott, and Andrew Maiden
    Optics Express, Jun 2018


  1. Opt. Lett.
    Characterizing a spatial light modulator using ptychography
    Samuel McDermott, Peng Li, Gavin Williams , and 1 more author
    Optics Letters, Jun 2017